Most Popular Sport in the last years: Pilates
The world-renowned Pilates exercises in the implementation of our 5 years ago. DVDs are popular in the market thanks to a short time, even up to now into our homes out of this exercise hikayasini Do not you want to know?

Pilates Method to his father, Joseph Pilates'tir name. Joseph, his research on the health of a body in the 1920s in New York, discovers the truth: our body is disturbed because I knew him, and the right kullanamamışızdır. From this point of pilates, how to recognize and discomfort after discovering the bodies of the people before the show how giderebileceklerini.
Today, on behalf of the "Pilates Method" called the people of this exercise teaches you to become a master of their own bodies. Pilates works on the basis of physical awareness. That is, other fitness programs, exercises dealing with the outcome of the outer seeming, Pilates aims to strengthen the internal structure.
Pilates exercises, relaxing the mind-body idmanıdır, muscles şişirilmeden power increase occurs. Agility gives a flat stomach, slim waist, creates a strong back, improves posture disorders, alleviates back pain and joint problems, increase the physical capacity, mental health and mental dinçleştirir gives the body more strong and aesthetic appearance kavuşturur, allows you to increase self-confidence .
Who is Joseph Hubertus Pilates? (1880 - 1967)
A weak and sickly child, Joseph was determined to overcome his problems. Instead of applying one of the most well-known exercise program to combine the strengths of the program selects the most. Yoga, gymnastics, skiing, tennis, body building, circus training and weight of certain parts of a workout according to your physical body decides to develop. Selecting the most effective aspects of each of these techniques creates its own system.

Found before the system begins to apply on their own body, then the others. A short time, the most famous ballerinas of time, became a student of sporcularıve actors. Formed by the system is still heavily implemented all over the world is increasing and the domain.