more award. the 4th time so far. =Dthis time the award was given by Miss Lia. thanksss yaahh. hehee~again, she gave me more than one award, but i've posted the rest of them.
but not this one, so i'm gonna do it in Indonesian ..

the homework.. soal hape nih.
1. punya handphone?
* iya2. merk & tipe HP?* Nokia E61 & N913. warna/ gambar theme yg lagi dipake sekarang?* tanpa background apa2, cuma plain gray color. hahaa.4. wallpaper?* sama kayak no.35. warna casing?* metallic6. aplikasi/ folder yg pertama kali keliatan begitu menekan tombol 'menu'?* inbox7. bahasa yg digunakan di hp?* english8. kapasitas baterai saat ini?* masih idup 2-3 bar lah.9. pakai slot memory? jenis?* gak, 4gb udah cukup buat gua, kga pake memory extra.10. sisa memori saat ini?* 2gb. =D11. banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?* music, gallery, & messages12. ada fitur koneksi bluetooth?* iya13. nama bluetooth kmu saat ini?* risya14. aplikasi yg sering kmu gunakan?* camera15. sisa pulsa?* RM1016. provider seluler yg kmu pake?* DiGi17. nomer hape?* tanya di email.. =D
noow, i'm going to tagg this to ..
- Jessi
- Maya
- Puput
- Tarra
and EVERYBODY, ANYBODY, and that's including youu.soo tagg moree. ♥♥